Sunday, March 9, 2014

Interview with Mrs. Yvonne Perkins

Interview with Mrs. Yvonne Perkins
Monique Lynelle asks - What does music mean to you?

Yvonne Perkins replied - Music is a tool that can assist you in changing your atmosphere.  As a therapist, music is used as a tool to help people in their personal lives.  For example, if a person is depressed, they don’t need to listen to music that is saying, “since my baby left me” or heartache but rather music about joy, love and peace that will uplift your mood.

Monique Lynelle asks - What part do you play in the music industry?

Yvonne Perkins replied - I see myself as a creator of positive music that I hope will impact lives of the listeners, music that will inspire believers and connect the unbelievers in a way that draws them to Christ so that they would at least speak on the name of Jesus and his mercy towards them.

Monique Lynelle asks - When did you get started with songwriting?

Yvonne Perkins replied – I have been writing poems and lyrics for as long as I can remember.  I published my first book of poems at 21 years of age and had two songs accepted for publishing, money wasn’t available to proceed because I wasn’t sure what to do or how to do it, the first two songs were entitled, Memory and I’ll Help You Forget, these songs were not gospel; but the first gospel song I wrote was entitled Holy.  Holy was written after a church service I attended that was so anointed and it made me think of the holiness of God and wanting to be Holy like Him.

Monique Lynelle asks - If you could do something different in this career, what would it be?

Yvonne Perkins replied – Music therapy. My background is as a therapist, working with children that had been abused and families in need.  Music can impact and has impacted people’s lives.  Working with families through music and meditation, (not chanting, etc.) but teaching people to get in touch with their feelings by listening to relaxing music.

Monique Lynelle asks - If there were three words you would use to describe yourself, what would they be?

Yvonne Perkins replied – 1) Family oriented - because family is very important to me as a wife, a mother, daughter and grandparent, 2) Intercessor – is what I do for others, it’s what I breathe, it’s what I live, interceding for pastors, leaders and the music industry, and 3) Songwriter – which is part of my heart.

Monique Lynelle asks - What are you working on now?

Yvonne Perkins replied – There are several songs I’m working on, although finances limit the process of putting songs out at times, I plan to make the effort and sacrifice to make sure to get out a new project this year. The title of the next project is Stop the Merry Go Round and I have been thinking about writing a book on intercession.

Monique Lynelle asks - I know you are involved with ECMA (Excellence in Christian Music Academy), how has that experience been for you?

Yvonne Perkins replied – That experience has been one of the most rewarding, awesome, gratifying works that I have done.  It is an experience that brings both honor and humility.  To be a part of it and to be considered as a coach, it brings you in contact with people that are already established and great in their own right.  The participants are looking for more education and looking for better ways to expand their gifts.  When I start the classes I get a brief introduction of the participants and hearing some of the participants backgrounds, (jokingly) I feel like I can’t teach them anything, some of them can probably teach a class.  The award show is awesome, you finally get to meet the people you have been talking to throughout the program and put the faces with the names and voices.  Mr. Harris is the best person to work with, no words can explain Mr. Harris, but his energy and vision is wonderful. (Mr. Harris is the founder and producer of ECMA).

Monique Lynelle asks - Is there any advice you would like to leave for singer/songwriter’s or songwriter’s in general that might help propel their career to the next level?

Yvonne Perkins replied – Being a songwriter is an arena that is very crowded, so you have to learn as much as you can by doing research and reading as much as you can about songwriting.  You have to network with other people, don’t burn bridges, and be ready to accept failures, but don’t give up, use the experiences to build you up for the next experience.  Keep trying whether you become a major star or artist; enjoy the experience.  If you are a gospel songwriter, your first task is to honor God.  Some people write positive songs, but if you are a gospel songwriter you should include God in your songs at some point.

Monique Lynelle asks - If someone wanted to buy your music, where should they go and which steps should they take if they want to sing one of your songs?

Yvonne Perkins replied – When you want to record something that you did not write, you will need a mechanical license.  This license gives you permission to record, or do a video of that person’s song.  On my website there is link that will explain mechanical licenses.  There is a statutory rate that has to be paid to the songwriter.

Anyone interested in singing one of Mrs. Perkins songs can go to her website and email her and she can explain in detail the financial aspect of the agreement you decide upon.   Mrs. Perkins website is as follows: also Mrs. Perkins Music Page is available at

Thank you for your time!
Monique Lynelle Gray

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